How we make campaigns Spark

On Ground Approach

Research has shown that the average consumer living in the US is exposed to at least 5000 different forms of indirect marketing daily. We at Spark It believe that mass media, digital marketing and commercial clutter, is no more than white noise, cluttering up consumer’s lives.

Sparking some connections

For our clients the last thing they want is for their marketing campaign to add to that noise, to become something that people try to block out and avoid engaging with. The main objective of any marketing campaign is to give consumers an unforgettable experience they want to engage with. For modern consumers a tangible experience is more exciting and memorable, hence the rapid growth of ‘experiential marketing’; also known as on ground marketing.

How we get down to business.

On ground marketing is a marketing technique that builds experiences between brands and consumers. Our experiential campaigns use an activation (for example product sampling, immersive experiences, face to face engagements, events, etc.) to bring brands to life and interact directly with target demographics.

Rather than viewing consumers as passive receivers of content, at Spark It we believe that consumers should be actively engaged in the production and co-creation of marketing initiatives, thereby developing a meaningful relationship with our client’s brands. Consumer engagement occurs when a brand and a consumer connect, and what better way to connect than through experience?

We help drive down cost of acquisition through performance driven campaigns and drive up customer lifetime value through better brand experiences. The difference? More profit and happier customers and clients!



This is where all campaigns begin. We will idealize a strategy appropriate to the target market and the product you are promoting.



After research and diving into your products, we will create a plan of execution with possible scenarios and alternatives.



We will run a test with brand ambassadors who will represent your brand and will get real-time stats that will be useful for launch.



It is time for your brand to be live and for you to get new customers. Our trained specialists will ensure your brand is well represented.